Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hello All,

Mr. Rose brought to our attention Thursday night his concerns over repeated grade issues and our upcoming competition schedule. The cheerleaders who have been ineligible have been given multiple weeks to bring their grades up. Mr. Rose has decided that any cheerleader who is ineligible with a "D" or "U" based on their January 27th pink sheet will not be allowed to dress or cheer at district games or attend any competition. The rest of the team will then move forward with practice and attend competitions.

After January 27th, any cheerleader who is ineligible based on their pink sheet will not dress or cheer at district games but will be allowed to compete because of time needed to change the routine and the hardship it would place on the rest of the team.

We have contacted Cindy and Tara about this decision and the gym is fully prepared to help us in any way possible. We will be adding extra practices as competitions get closer.

Please discuss this with your cheerleader and stress the importance of getting good grades all the time, but especially during the next few weeks.

If you have questions, please call.

Angela and Tammy

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