Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th Updates

Hello Cheer Parents,

Just a few updates for the week....

1. Your second payment was due yesterday, October 14. Please get it in ASAP! We have placed orders for everything--and they want their money!

2. Remember each cheerleader is responsible for selling 10 Peeler Cards or paying $100 for group fundraising.

3. A big THANKS to Teri Tuggle for getting the carpool together. We still need some drivers through the end of the year, so please see if you can sign up.

Oct 28th (only have 11 seats so far)
Nov 18 (only have 17)
Dec 9 (only have 12)
Dec 10 (only have 14)
Dec 16 (only have 11)

Here is also a list of concession stand workers needed.

I need workers for Oct 30 (1 more), Dec 11 (1 more), Dec 18 (2 more) and Jan 15th (5 more)

We have a few cheerleaders under the weather so here is a team hug and wishes to get better soon! (Sam, Kenzie, and Jasmyn)

I am hoping to start posting pictures soon.....


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